Petrol prices down by over VND600 per litre

05:03, 22/03/2022

(ĐN)- Retail petrol prices declined by over VND600 per litre from March 21 following the latest adjustment by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance.


(ĐN)- Retail petrol prices declined by over VND600 per litre from March 21 following the latest adjustment by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance.

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This is the first decrease after six consecutive hikes of petrol prices in 2022.

Accordingly, the retail price of E5RON92 fell by VND655 per litre and is now sold at VND28,330 per litre. Meanwhile, the retail price of RON95 declined by VND 632 to a maximum of VND29,192 per litre.

In addition, oil retail prices also increased in this adjustment. Kerosene is now sold at VND22,245 per litre, decreasing VND1,673, diesel at VND23,633 per litre, down VND1,635, and mazut at VND20,423 per kg, declining VND564.

Reported by H.Q