'Thac lac' fish, a specialty and pride of Hau Giang

09:02, 26/02/2018

Cha ca thac lac (fried thac lac fish), one of specialties of Hau Giang, is a dish every visitor should try when visiting the province.


Cha ca thac lac (fried thac lac fish), one of specialties of Hau Giang, is a dish every visitor should try when visiting the province.

Cha ca thac lac (fried thac lac fish), one of specialties of Hau Giang
Cha ca thac lac (fried thac lac fish), one of specialties of Hau Giang

The fish can be made into soup with bitter gourd, steamed, braised, fried and used in hotpots.

Cha ca thac lac is often on the menu in restaurants and at luxury parties. It is also a good gift for relatives and friends. To make the dish, all the lean meat is cut off and mixed with dried onions, garlic, peppers, sugar and salt before being left for an hour to clear out any fishy smells.

It is then placed in a stone grinder and pounded until the meat is thick and pink-white before shaping it into small balls and frying them until they turn yellow.

The dish should be eaten with rau ngo (coriander) and mui tau (sawtooth) to add flavour.

It is said that stewed thac lac fish with bitter gourd helps cool heat from inside the body. It is good for patients with blood hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol and loss of sleep.

Because it is sweet and has no strong elements it is also excellent for blood circulation and kidney function. Minced thac lac fish is particularly good for slow growing children, pregnant women and weak elderly people

(Source:VNA/Nhan Dan)