Moc Chau- a plateau of flowers

02:01, 02/01/2016

At an altitude of over 1,000 meters, Moc Chau Plateau is in flowered throughout the year. Its stunning beauty has made Moc Chau a popular destination for tourists.


At an altitude of over 1,000 meters, Moc Chau Plateau is in flowered throughout the year. Its stunning beauty has made Moc Chau a popular destination for tourists.

Spring is the best time to admire the stunning beauty of Moc Chau Plateau when its mountain slopes are covered with peach flowers. Getting lost in vast fields of peach trees whose pink and white flowers dance in the wind will surely be an impressive new experience for you. Moc Chau guarantees beautiful, romantic photos you can share with your friends when you return. 


During the second lunar month, when the spring sun begins to chase away the cold winter, plum buds begin to blossom creating an elegant and fragile beauty on the plateau. The plum blossoms linger just two or three weeks before giving way to small red fruits. 

Nguyen Ky, a tourist from Hanoi said "Wild flowers are incomparably beautiful. But you can only see their natural beauty only in the wild. You must go to see them with your own eyes and feel their immense serenity”. 


In March and April, Moc Chau is covered with bauhinia flowers, whose charm and beauty is reminiscent of the young local Thai girls. 

Phung Luu Thi Ly, Head of Moc Chau District’s Culture Department, said "Bauhinia flowers are the iconic image of Moc Chau. 
Moc Chau district has begun planting bauhinia flowers on both sides of each street. For the past few years, local people in Moc Chau have been planting bauhinia flowers to decorate their houses and streets. In addition to bauhinia flowers, we will plant other varieties of flowers to make Moc Chau a paradise of flowers”. 


Between October and November is the season of white mustard flowers, wild sunflowers, and poinsettia, the iconic Christmas flowers. The meadows on the Moc Chau plateau turn into a multicolored floral kingdom. 

Ms Ly added that "I love my homeland. This is a paradise of flowers. Moc Chau is adorned with pink peach blossoms and white bauhinia flowers. The months before and after the Tet holiday are the season when the flowers are most beautiful. I love Moc Chau and I hope that tourists will love this land, too”.
