A tranquil island off Nha Trang City

08:01, 22/01/2016

Diep Son is an island off Nha Trang, a well-known beach resort city on the central coast.


Diep Son is an island off Nha Trang, a well-known beach resort city on the central coast.

To travel to the island in Van Phong Bay, tourists should take a 40-minute boat ride from Van Gia fishing port, around 60 kilometers from Nha Trang.

A view of Diep Son Island

On the way to Diep Son, tourists can see many villages floating in crystal clear water and seagulls flying over the bay, and feel cool sea breeze.

The first sight of Diep Son is rows of high coconut trees. Then, small houses and snaking roads running from the island to the sea loom. The peaceful island is in primitive condition.

Diep Son has three islets – Diep Son, also known as Bip, O, and Qua. An interesting feature of the island is that there is a path under seawater. Measuring one kilometer in length and two meters in width, the path links O and Qua islets.

A path connecting O and Qua islets of Diep Son Island at ebb tide

When water flows away from the shore, the path looks like a giant python crawling in the sea and when water is knee-deep, it is like a bright line between the two islets. Strolling along the path gives people a mixed feeling of thrill, fright, hesitation and excitement. 

In early summer, normally in April, the tide ebbs in the afternoon but in October, the ebb tide begins in the morning. On the final days of lunar year, the path is completely dry. This is also the high season for local residents to catch fish for consumption and sale.

Diep Son Island is home to over 80 households with over 370 people who mostly earn a living by growing and catching fish. Every day, they only have access to electricity for three hours from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The island has one primary school and many children there do not get into secondary school as their parents cannot afford to send them to the mainland for further schooling.
