Twenty-four hours in Mui Ne

04:11, 06/11/2013

If you are a beach lover then you will know all about Mui Ne in Phan Thiet City - one of the most beautiful beach destinations of Vietnam. It is not an exaggeration if we call it paradise for tropical beach enthusiasts as it is endowed with fascinating beaches, fantastic sand dunes, historical relics as well as varied seafood specialties.

If you are a beach lover then you will know all about Mui Ne in Phan Thiet City - one of the most beautiful beach destinations of Vietnam. It is not an exaggeration if we call it paradise for tropical beach enthusiasts as it is endowed with fascinating beaches, fantastic sand dunes, historical relics as well as varied seafood specialties.

Moreover, the weather in Mui Ne is perfect and thus attracts many expats to satisfy their passion and talents for water sports including surfing.

If you have 24 hours to spare at the weekend; just imagine waiting for dawn in the sand dunes, swimming under the crystal blue water in the morning, kite or board surfing in the afternoon and enjoying a romantic meal or seafood and beer at night time.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Mui Ne.

A tourist gets ready to enjoy sliding down a sand dune in Mui Ne

The sunrise comes over Mui Ne Beach in Phan Thiet City

A view of the fishing port of Mui Ne at midday

Tourists enjoy swimming and surfing at around 3 p.m. when the sunlight beams are so strong making waves turn into silver bands

Posah Inu Cham Tower at Ong Hoang Hill is part of the charm of Mui Ne 
