National tourism promotion program approved

10:11, 15/11/2013

The PM has given a green light to the 2013-20 National tourism promotion program which was tailored to accelerate advertisement of Viet Nam's special tourism destinations, localities, products and services in foreign countries.  

The PM has given a green light to the 2013-20 National tourism promotion program which was tailored to accelerate advertisement of Viet Nam's special tourism destinations, localities, products and services in foreign countries.  

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The program also aims to increase the number of international arrivals; expand guests' stay; and increase their spending in Viet Nam.

By 2020, three to four tourism promotion events will be held in key tourism markets including Northeast Asia; Southeast Asia, Pacific region, North America and West Europe and East Europe. At least one event will be organized in potential markets in South Asia and the Middle East.

In addition, tourism promotion activities would be conducted in the country in a bid to raise people's awareness of protecting the tourism environment and behaviors to tourists and develop local tourism.

By 2020, three to five promotion activities will be held in potential localities.

The program also focuses on developing electronic marketing; producing publications and productions in different forms, materials and languages such as documentary films and advertisements.
