Another side of the Delta

04:11, 08/11/2013

Since September, water from the upstream Mekong River has been pouring into the fields in the plain areas in the Mekong Delta, creating endless water scenery in the flooding season. On these days, coming to the delta to experience the rice fields and cajuput forests soaked in water is a voyage into one of the most beautiful sights in the country.

Since September, water from the upstream Mekong River has been pouring into the fields in the plain areas in the Mekong Delta, creating endless water scenery in the flooding season. On these days, coming to the delta to experience the rice fields and cajuput forests soaked in water is a voyage into one of the most beautiful sights in the country.

Tourists take a cruise down the fl ooded Tra Su cajuput forest which covers 850 hectares and is one of the main attractions of An Giang Province

A couple of buffaloes soak themselves in the flood water

Thot Not (water coconut) whose fruits and water are a specialty of An Giang Province

Some local kids swim in the river

A peaceful view of Dong Thap Province
