At peace in Ta Pa Mountain

04:08, 31/08/2013

In the stunning That Son Mountain Range, in comparison with Sam, Cam and Ket mountains, Ta Pa Mountain seems to be the least popular which is surprising.

Frances Walsh, a tourist from Ireland, poses at the lake on Ta Pa Mountain’s peak
Frances Walsh, a tourist from Ireland, poses at the lake on Ta Pa Mountain’s peak

In the stunning That Son Mountain Range, in comparison with Sam, Cam and Ket mountains, Ta Pa Mountain seems to be the least popular which is surprising.

However, its peaceful and romantic atmosphere and scenery are luring more and more excursionists who love to explore.

Located in Nui To Commune, Tri Ton District about 30 kilometers from Chau Doc City in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang, the small mount is just 100 meters above sea level. Therefore, a long time ago the local Khmer community built an excellent path heading up the top. At the beginning of the path is a gate with many patterns of winding snakes and under the gate is a house roof with many designs of dancing Apsara. Seventy meters passed the gate, tourists will see a statue of monkey Hanuman as a signboard to the mountain.

Halfway up the mountain there is the 200-year-old pagoda called Ta Pa. It is striking with typical Khmer pagoda architecture and its yellow color makes it more noticeable in the mountain area.

At the pagoda, visitors can see the combination of the old and the new, the antiques and contemporary decorations. It is tucked in a nice spot among cool, clean air and immense greenness of forest which makes for a tranquil and pure ambience, giving visitors carefree moments in the sanctuary.

From the pagoda, trekking upwards for about 50 meters, tourists will reach the peak with many giant rock pillars pointing imposingly to the sky. Under the pillars is a small lake where visitors will be amazed by its crystal green water.

At the peak, visitors will find a small rock cave which has a feature which looks like an elephant’s head. There is also a small tea shop on the peak so trekkers can satisfy their thirst after the short hike.
