Dong Nai: ethnic people benefit from investment attraction

04:06, 27/06/2021

Xuan Loc district in Dong Nai province, home to a large number of ethnic people, has exerted efforts in drawing investment to create jobs for locals and effectively carried out ethnic policies, contributing to the socio-economic development.


Xuan Loc district in Dong Nai province, home to a large number of ethnic people, has exerted efforts in drawing investment to create jobs for locals and effectively carried out ethnic policies, contributing to the socio-economic development.

 Cham ethnic people in Xuan Hung commune of Dong Nai's Xuan Loc district improve their livelihood thanks to growing dragon fruit (Photo:
Cham ethnic people in Xuan Hung commune of Dong Nai's Xuan Loc district improve their livelihood thanks to growing dragon fruit (Photo:

Ethnic minority people account for 8 percent of Xuan Loc district’s population, numbering some 20,000 of 24 ethnic groups.

They used to rely on small-scale farming, bird hunting and apiculture to make ends meet.

The district has devised a number of policies to support economic development amongst the ethnic minority groups, including building rural roads, power transmission works, schools and medical stations. Due attention has been paid to vocational training and job creation for rural labourers.

Local authorities have also rolled out various incentives to attract investment, as well as help investors in legal issues and administrative procedures.

Xuan Loc is now home to an industrial park and more than 30 enterprises which create jobs for 30,000 workers, according to Vice Chairwoman of Xuan Loc People’s Committee Huynh Thi Lanh.

The rate of ethnic people having stable jobs exceeds 86 percent.

A representative of the Dong Xuan Loc garment company in Xuan Hung commune said more than 45 percent of the firm’s employees are ethnic minority people. The firm has tried to create the best working conditions for ethnic workers, he said./.
