Dong Nai's OVs significantly contribute to people-to-people diplomacy

12:04, 30/04/2021

(ĐN)- Dong Nai Union of Friendship Organizations Spring on April 28 organized a get-together program for overseas Vietnamese (OVs) at Buu Long Tourist Park in Bien Hoa city.


(ĐN)- Dong Nai Union of Friendship Organizations Spring on April 28 organized a get-together program for overseas Vietnamese (OVs) at Buu Long Tourist Park in Bien Hoa city.

At the event.
At the event.

Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Hoang of the provincial People’s Committee said that the province every year holds this kind of program for OVs who come back home for family reunions and enjoy Lunar New Year (Tet) holidays. However, this year, it is unable to organize the event due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead, the province organized the get-together program.

According to the report, Dong Nai currently has over 32,000 Vietnamese expatriates living in many countries and territories all over the world. Currently, Dong Nai is home to more than 20 OVs-invested enterprises capitalized nearly VND500 trillion, mainly in the fields of services, education and real estate. OVs significantly contributed to the successes of the province’s people-to-people diplomacy in the renovation process.

Vice Chairwoman Hoang stressed that the province has always taken care of OVs’ lives as well as called OVs worldwide to return home for living and increase investment.

The OVs expressed their feelings on the change of the province and local authorities’ care and respect on the contributions made by OVs to their homeland. They also wished to make more contributions to the province’s development.

Reported by V.T