2019 Youth Month kicked off in Dong Nai

09:03, 06/03/2019

(ĐN)- The 2019 Youth Month kicked off at Vo Truong Toan high school in Cam My district in Dong Nai province on March 2 with the participation of local young people.

(ĐN)- The 2019 Youth Month kicked off at Vo Truong Toan high school in Cam My district in Dong Nai province on March 2 with the participation of local young people.

With the theme of “Volunteer young people for the community”, the youth month this year will focus on building new-style rural areas, creating new values and making contributions to the growth of the society.

Speaking at the ceremony, Secretary Nguyen Cao Cuong of the provincial Youth Union called on the youth to continue studying revolutionary ideology, promoting patriotism and national pride, thus continuing the tradition initiated by ancestors.

The union will hold communication activities on the union’s traditions and history in diverse forms such as dialogues, forums and study trips to cultural and historical sites both in and outside the locality.

On this occasion, the union donated some VND3 billion to build a charity house and ten bridges, present 20 bicycles and award scholarships, provide free medical check-ups and medicines, give gifts for local residents.

Reported by N.S