Sonadezi College starts new school year

03:10, 14/10/2013

(ĐN)- Sonadezi College of Technology and Management on October 10 organized a ceremony to welcome the new school year of 2013-2014.

(ĐN)- Sonadezi College of Technology and Management on October 10 organized a ceremony to welcome the new school year of 2013-2014.

In the new school year, the college enrolled 600 new students, bringing the total students studying at the school to more than 2,600.

 Besides, the college also admitted five Laos students via the training cooperation between Dong Nai and Champasak provinces.

At the ceremony, 642 students were granted graduation certificates and 250 scholarships worth VND 1.5-2.5 million each were presented to the outstanding students.

On this occasion, local businesses donated VND100 million to the Sonadezi Scholarships Fund to support studious poor students.

Reported by V.T