President awards outstanding farmers for their contribution

08:10, 16/10/2013

State President Truong Tan Sang on October 15 presented the ‘Outstanding Vietnamese Farmer 2013’ awards to 62 farmers who have made significant contributions in the agricultural field.

President Truong Tan Sang (L) and Nguyen Quoc Cuong (R), chairman of Farmer Association give merit certificate to a farmer
President Truong Tan Sang (L) and Nguyen Quoc Cuong (R), chairman of Farmer Association give merit certificate to a farmer 

State President Truong Tan Sang on October 15 presented the ‘Outstanding Vietnamese Farmer 2013’ awards to 62 farmers who have made significant contributions in the agricultural field.

The awards ceremony was held in Hanoi to mark the 83rd anniversary of the founding of Vietnam Farmers' Association. 

The 62 farmers honored at the event were selected from districts across the country. They were selected for their active, creative and go-getting spirit in applying technology in production to achieve high quality and high yield at low costs. They helped in implementing good food safety and hygiene, and maintained a clean and healthy environment in their countryside.

Speaking at the ceremony, President Sang sent his best wishes to all farmers in the country while giving his heartiest congratulations to the outstanding farmers who were honored at the event. 

The President stated that farmers play a crucial role in national reconstruction and defense, industrialization and modernization as well as international integration.

When the country faces an economic downturn, farmers still demonstrate their importance by stabilizing the country’s food basket.

The President affirmed that the Party and Government will adopt proper policies to help the agricultural sector to grow in line with more competitive industries.
