Over 2,000 blood units donated in first half

03:07, 27/07/2011

(ĐN)- On July 22, Bien Hoa city’s Red Cross Chapter cooperated with Cho Ray Regional Blood Transfusion and Haematology Centre to launch a humanitarian blood donation program.

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Over 2,000 blood units collected in first half
(ĐN)- On July 22, Bien Hoa city’s Red Cross Chapter cooperated with Cho Ray Regional Blood Transfusion and Haematology Centre to launch a humanitarian blood donation program.

More than 400 local people took part in this socially meaningful event. Accordingly, 400 blood units were collected and provided to hospitals.

From the beginning of this year till now, the chapter’s  blood donation programs received wholehearted support from local people and collected more than 2,000 units of blood, fulfilling 70% of the year’s target.

Reported by X.N