Dong Nai creative sci-tech contest for teenagers and children wraps up

10:07, 24/07/2018

(ĐN)- The award ceremony for the Dong Nai provincial Creative Science-Technology Competition for Teenagers and Children was held on Thursday at Dong Nai Radio-Television Station.


(ĐN)- The award ceremony for the Dong Nai provincial Creative Science-Technology Competition for Teenagers and Children was held on Thursday at Dong Nai Radio-Television Station.

Vice Chairwoman of Dong Nai People's Committee presents the first prizes to winners.
Vice Chairman of Dong Nai People's Committee Pham Quoc Hung presents the first prizes to winners.

The contest, the third of its kind, which was jointly organized by Dong Nai Union of Science-Technology Associations, the provincial Department of Science and Technology and the provincial Youth Union for contestants aged between 6 and 19, attracted 991 solutions in 5 categories of school equipment, software, environment-friendly products, household utensils and kid toys, protecting environment and economic development.

From the solutions, the organizing board has selected 160 for the provincial contest. Of them, 30 excellent solutions have been selected to compete at the national contest.

At the ceremony, the organizing board awarded 5 first, 8 second, 17 third and 28 consolation prizes to outstanding solutions.

Reported by H.D