More numerals for mobile subscriber numbers means more troubles

10:08, 03/08/2011

Mobile network operators have got 200 million mobile phone subscribers already, but they still want to extend the numerals of subscriber numbers.

Mobile network operators have got 200 million mobile phone subscribers already, but they still want to extend the numerals of subscriber numbers.

The information that the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) is considering adding more numerals to the current mobile phone subscriber numbers to 11 numerals from 10, and currently has stirred up the public. Thousands of mobile phone users have expressed their worries about the troublesome to occur, if the idea becomes realistic.

Old idea comes back to life

At the working session with Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Vietnamese Minister of Information and Communication, Le Doan Hop said Vietnam is considering extending the numerals of mobile phone subscriber numbers instead of granting new prefixes to mobile networks.

However, contrary to the initially suggested plan, the ministry may consider taking back the granted prefixes for 11-numeral numbers. In case the ministry decides to extend the numerals to 11, mobile networks will be able to retain their old prefixes. Viettel, for example, will continue using 098 prefix, MobiFone 090, while VinaPhone 091. However, subscriber numbers will have 11 numerals instead of the current 10.

Prior to that, the idea of adding more numerals to mobile phone subscriber numbers was put forward which then raised a noisy debate. The proposal was then “put on the shelf”. However, the plan has unexpectedly revived, having caused worries to tens of millions of subscribers.

If the plan is approved, it will have big impacts on the life and business of tens of millions of people.

The extension of subscriber numbers has become so hot on telecom forums, that some people who like to shock others “invented” a document saying that Viettel will have 11-numeral subscriber numbers from August 1, 2011. The counterfeit document has frightened mobile phone users and Viettel on July 16 made an official statement that this is just counterfeit document and false rumor.

What will happen?

In 2007, three big mobile network operators, including VinaPhone, MobiFone and Viettel, which sold out all the subscriber numbers, proposed to add more numerals to subscriber numbers as a solution to expand mobile phone subscribers.

However, the proposal at that time faced the strong opposition from smaller mobile networks which said that this would create disorder to existing subscribers, because millions of clients would have to change their mobile phone numbers. Also, this would cause big economic losses, since mobile phone users have to re-design their name cards, catalogues, leaflets and phone directories.

Especially, Vietnamese people like “beautiful numbers” which are easy to remember or believed to bring luck to users, and many of them spent hundreds of millions of dong to be able to possess the simcards with beautiful numbers. If the people cannot use the numbers any more, this means that they spent money in vain.

Mobile network operators, who well understand the problem, promised to grant more “beautiful numerals” of 6, 8 and 9 to the users who current possess beautiful numbers. However, the operators have admitted that they may face the strong opposition from clients.

Meanwhile, MobiFone has been insisting on the plan to add more numerals to subscriber numbers, saying that the existence of too many prefixes would cause big difficulties to them. The operator has also warned that the existence of too many prefixes would lend a hand to the appearance of more and more “rubbish simcards” (the simcards that people use once and then throw away).

According to the Ministry of Information and Communication, Vietnam can grant 800 million mobile phone numbers, while it has just granted 200 million, which means that the number repository is still big enough for another 600 million numbers.


(Source: VietNamNet)