Samsung Vina last Thursday introduced its latest smart phone in the world, Galaxy SII, which will be produced at its cell phone factory in the northern province of Bac Ninh for the local market and for export.
Samsung Vina introduced its latest smart phone in the world, Galaxy SII, which will be produced at its cell phone factory in the northern province of Bac Ninh for the local market and for export.
Samsung Galaxy SII |
Nguyen Van Dao, deputy general director of Samsung Vina, said at the launching of the phone that this was an important mark for Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co., the operator of the cell phone factory in Bac Ninh. The smart phone is equipped with a dual-core 1.2 GHz processor along with super slim design, at only 8.49mm in thickness, and AMOLED Plus screen known as the most advanced mobile visual display ever created.
After the launch in mid-June of this year in the world market, Galaxy SII keeps creating ‘fevers’ in every nation it sets foot in. In Korea, more than one million units were sold within the first 30 days, while in Malaysia, more than 1,440 ones were sold within one hour.
“This is the reason why the phone will be produced in Vietnam to supply the local and foreign markets,” Dao said, adding the smart phone was priced in Vietnam at VND13.5 million per unit.
Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co. is the first and only complete hand-phone factory in Vietnam to date. The phone manufacturing project has become the largest in terms of scale and the most successful production base of Samsung outside Korea.
Vietnam is the fifth country where Samsung Electronics has phone production facilities after South Korea, China, India and Brazil.
(Source: SGT)
“This is the reason why the phone will be produced in Vietnam to supply the local and foreign markets,” Dao said, adding the smart phone was priced in Vietnam at VND13.5 million per unit.
Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co. is the first and only complete hand-phone factory in Vietnam to date. The phone manufacturing project has become the largest in terms of scale and the most successful production base of Samsung outside Korea.
Vietnam is the fifth country where Samsung Electronics has phone production facilities after South Korea, China, India and Brazil.
(Source: SGT)