NA Standing Committee wraps up 25th session

04:07, 16/07/2018

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee concluded its 25th session in Hanoi on July 13 after three days of working.

NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan speaks at the closing ceremony.
NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan speaks at the closing ceremony.

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee concluded its 25th session in Hanoi on July 13 after three days of working.

In her closing speech, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said during the session, the NA Standing Committee gave opinions on three draft laws, approved seven resolutions and discussed a number of other contents.

Ngan suggested the government, the NA’s Council for Ethnic Affairs, the NA’s committees and the NA Secretary General work with relevant agencies and organisations to acquire opinions put forth at the session, finalise reports and projects, and complete approved draft resolutions for signing into issuance.

Regarding the revised anti-corruption law, NA Chairwoman Ngan and her deputy Uong Chu Luu will chair working sessions with agencies in charge of preventing and fighting corruption to deliberate controversial contents for adjustments before reporting to authorized agencies.

In the July 13 afternoon sitting, the NA Standing Committee, under the chair of NA Vice Chairman Phung Quoc Hien, discussed a draft government decree stipulating special mechanisms on investment, finance, budget and administration decentralisation for the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho.

Afterwards, the committee reviewed the outcomes of the NA’s fifth session and gave preliminary opinions on preparations for the next session of the legislature which is scheduled to open on October 22.

At the upcoming session, the NA plans to spend half out of total 21 days on law-making and more than nine days on socio-economic issues, state budget, supervision and other important matters.

The legislature will also conduct a vote of confidence on the persons who hold positions elected or approved by the NA.

(Source: VNA)