Party Central Committee continue discussing socio-economic affairs

09:10, 06/10/2017

Members of the 12th Party Central Committee discussed the socio-economic situation, State budget of 2017 and tasks for 2018 during the second working day of their 6th meeting on October 5.

An overview of the session
An overview of the session

Members of the 12th Party Central Committee discussed the socio-economic situation, State budget of 2017 and tasks for 2018 during the second working day of their 6th meeting on October 5.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, a member of the Politburo, presided over the morning session.

In the afternoon, the committee’s members worked in groups on the project of strengthening the protection, care and improvement of public health in the new situation and a project on population work in the new period.

(Source: VNA)