President receives newly-accredited ambassadors

04:03, 09/03/2017

President Tran Dai Quang hosted separate receptions for newly-accredited ambassadors to Vietnam in Hanoi on March 8, during which he called for the diplomats' greater efforts to broaden bilateral wide-ranging cooperation.

President Tran Dai Quang hosted separate receptions for newly-accredited ambassadors to Vietnam in Hanoi on March 8, during which he called for the diplomats’ greater efforts to broaden bilateral wide-ranging cooperation.

Presiden Tran Dai Quang hosts Czech Ambassador Vitezslav Grepl
Presiden Tran Dai Quang hosts Czech Ambassador Vitezslav Grepl

At a meeting with Czech Ambassador Vitezslav Grepl, President Quang urged the two sides to expand cooperation in economics, trade, and investment.

The President affirmed that Vietnam is willing to create all favourable conditions for Czech businesses to explore investment opportunities in the Southeast Asian country, especially in the fields of energy, infrastructure, environmental protection, vocational training, and labour.

He asked the Czech Republic to recognize Vietnam’s full market economy status and continue supporting and enhancing the comprehensive cooperative partnership between Vietnam and the EU for the early signing of the Vietnam – EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

Vietnam is ready to assist the Czech Republic to bolster relations with other ASEAN member countries, Quang said, hoping that the Czech government will provide more assistance for overseas Vietnamese, increase mutual understanding between the two peoples, and encourage affiliation in economics and education.

The Czech Ambassador said his country attaches great importance to the friendship and cooperation with Vietnam, adding that both nations hold enormous potential to expand collaboration in economics, trade, and investment, especially when the EVFTA is signed and comes into force.

The recognition of the Vietnamese community as an ethnic minority group by the Czech government aims to extol the community’s significant contributions to the host’s social-economic and cultural development, he added.

President Tran Dai Quang (R) receives Argentinean Ambassador Juan Carlos Valle Raleigh
President Tran Dai Quang (R) receives Argentinean Ambassador Juan Carlos Valle Raleigh

Congratulating Juan Carlos Valle Raleigh on his appointment as Argentinean Ambassador to Vietnam, President Quang applauded the growing friendship and cooperation between the two countries. Notably, bilateral trade has increased rapidly, reaching US$3.04 billion in 2016, turning Argentina into the second biggest trade partner of Vietnam in Latin America.

He asked the countries to increase delegation exchanges, especially high-ranking visits, and to promote the intergovernmental cooperation committee’s activities and the foreign ministries’ political consultation, thus enhancing cooperation in agriculture, telecommunications, clean energy, forensic anthropology, science-technology, environment, health care, culture, training, tourism, and sport.

They should step up the signing of cooperation documents to provide a favourable legal framework for their businesses to access each other’s markets and form partnerships, boosting trade to US$5 billion by 2020.

Vietnam and Argentina should also keep close coordination and mutual support at international organisations and multilateral forums.

For his part, the new ambassador pledged to exert all efforts to solidify the countries’ amity and cooperation, adding that the Argentinean Government will strive to fuel bilateral trade and investment and facilitate operations of respective enterprises.

Juan Carlos Valle Raleigh said aside from effective collaboration between their parties and governments, Argentina also wants the two countries to strengthen ties in culture and sports.

President Tran Dai Quang (R) hosts Mongolian Ambassador Bilegdorj Dash
President Tran Dai Quang (R) hosts Mongolian Ambassador Bilegdorj Dash

Speaking to Mongolia’s newly-accredited Ambassador Bilegdorj Dash, President Quang stressed that Vietnam attaches importance to the development of relations with Mongolia and is pleased with strides made in bilateral cooperation.

The two countries’ senior leaders agreed to maintain high-level meetings, bolster connections in diplomacy, security, and defence, and bring into play the role of the intergovernmental committee in fostering economic and trade partnerships. They were also unanimous in tightening links in culture, education, tourism and labour, and in enhancing coordination and mutual support at multilateral forums.

The President asked the diplomat to accelerate the realisation of the Vietnamese and Mongolian leaders’ common perceptions and devise measures to optimise cooperation potential and expand business-to-business and people-to-people ties.

Bilegdorj Dash said Mongolia and Vietnam have traditional friendship and want to step up economic and trade relations. They will have many important diplomatic activities this year, and the embassy will do its utmost to augment multi-faceted cooperation in an effective manner.

He hoped Vietnam will support Mongolia to participate in APEC and become a dialogue partner of ASEAN.

President Tran Dai Quang receives Myanmar Ambassador Kyaw Soe Win
President Tran Dai Quang receives Myanmar Ambassador Kyaw Soe Win

During a reception for Myanmar Ambassador Kyaw Soe Win, President Quang said Vietnam highly values the traditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperation between the two countries.

Both nations share cultural and religious similarities and are members of ASEAN. The bilateral relations have seen positive outcomes in various fields from politics and external affairs to economics, trade and investment, he said, citing Vietnam is the ninth biggest trade partner and the tenth largest investor of Myanmar.

He proposed Myanmar continue supporting Vietnamese firms to make investment in banking, aviation, telecom, mineral, tourism, and consumer product production.

Vietnam is willing to share experience with Myanmar in the fields of its strength such as coffee plantation and processing and pepper export, he noted.

The Myanmar Ambassador pledged to do his utmost to deepen the two nations’ cooperation.

President Tran Dai Quang hosts Senegal’s Ambassador Cheikh Niang
President Tran Dai Quang hosts Senegal’s Ambassador Cheikh Niang.

At a meeting with Senegal’s Ambassador Cheikh Niang, President Quang urged the two countries to increase delegation exchanges and information sharing for businesses to promote bilateral trade on par with their sound political ties, as well as step up cooperation in agriculture, trade, investment, telecommunication, construction, oil and gas.

The Ambassador noted that President Macky Sall has entrusted him to boost economic and trade ties with Vietnam, making Vietnam a key partner of Senegal in Asia.

Receiving Ambassador of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea German Ekua Sima, President Quang called on the two countries to continue close coordination in international and regional forums.

Vietnam values developing cooperation with African countries, including Equatorial Guinea, stressed President Quang, adding that the two sides should increase all-level delegation exchanges and encourage businesses to study and look for partners.

For his part, Ambassador German Ekua Sima pledged to foster cooperation rapports between Equatorial Guinea and Vietnam during his term.

He added that Equatorial Guinea always wants to strengthen its ties with Vietnam and learn from the country’s experience in social-economic development. He suggested the two countries should boost up coordination in the South – South framework.

The ambassador also hoped Vietnam will support Equatorial Guinea to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in the 2018 – 2019 tenure.

At the receptions, President Quang asked for these countries’ support for Vietnam’s candidacy for a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in the 2020 – 2021 tenure, and the Director General of UNESCO in the 2017 – 2021 tenure.

(Source: VNA)