Mountain flowers blossoming in Hanoi

07:11, 27/11/2021

Wild pear flowers which can be seen in mountainous areas are beginning to bloom in a number of streets around the capital, enthralling local people with their stunning white colours.



Wild pear flowers which can be seen in mountainous areas are beginning to bloom in a number of streets around the capital, enthralling local people with their stunning white colours.

White wild pear flowers can be seen in full bloom across the capital.
White wild pear flowers can be seen in full bloom across the capital.


This year, wild pear trees are in full bloom two months earlier compared to previous years.
This year, wild pear trees are in full bloom two months earlier compared to previous years.


The most beautiful branch often has some pears on it.
The most beautiful branch often has some pears on it.


Wild pear flowers symbolise the love grandchildren have for their grandparents and ancestors. Hanoians often purchase small branches to place them on ancestral altars at home.
Wild pear flowers symbolise the love grandchildren have for their grandparents and ancestors. Hanoians often purchase small branches to place them on ancestral altars at home.


The house looks more beautiful if it is adorned with wild pear flowers.
The house looks more beautiful if it is adorned with wild pear flowers.


In mid-October the early blossoming of wild pear flowers creates a fever among citizens of the capital.
In mid-October the early blossoming of wild pear flowers creates a fever among citizens of the capital.

(Source: VNS)