Lily flower blooming season

03:04, 08/04/2021

Lilies can be typically considered as a symbol of April in the capital with street vendors putting them on sale on many roads throughout the city.


Lilies can be typically considered as a symbol of April in the capital with street vendors putting them on sale on many roads throughout the city.

Lilies usually stand out among other colourful flowers that are for sale on the street due to their simplicity and beauty.
Lilies usually stand out among other colourful flowers that are for sale on the street due to their simplicity and beauty.




Lilies at the beginning of the season have yet to fully bloom.
Lilies at the beginning of the season have yet to fully bloom.



Street vendors must pour water on the flowers to keep them fresh all day.
Street vendors must pour water on the flowers to keep them fresh all day.


(Source: VOV)