Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island

11:03, 01/03/2021

As the weather turns to be warmer in spring, dispelling cold winds throughout Ly Son Island, it's the time for visitors to admire the once-a-year magical scenery in the place.


As the weather turns to be warmer in spring, dispelling cold winds throughout Ly Son Island, it’s the time for visitors to admire the once-a-year magical scenery in the place.

Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island
The green mosses are raising from the deep ocean, covering all over the million-year-old lava rocks. 
Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island
The time from late-February to early-March is the most appropriate for visitors to contemplate this wonderful scenery.
Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island
Seaweed and moss are in various colours, making up an extraordinary natural picture of the ocean. 
Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island
Not only green, a few algae and moss have other funky colours. This million-year-old rock changes its cloth to dark yellow in Spring. 
Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island
The lava rock in Hang Cau landscape looks like a green monster in a Walt Disney’s fairy motion picture.
Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island
Not only green, a few algae and moss have other funky colours. This million-year-old rock changes its cloth to dark yellow in Spring. 
Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island
The moss season in Ly Son starts from January to the end of March every year. Visitors have to wait patiently cause the “field” of green algae and moss only appeared when the tide recedes. 
Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island
Seaweed and moss were picked up by Ly Son people and dried as fertilizer for onion and garlic. Meanwhile, several types of edible seaweed have brought about high income for the people of Ly Son.
Heavenly scenery of green moss in Ly Son Island
Moss covers the most on volcanic sedimentary rocks near the tourist sites of Hang Co (Stork Cave), Thac Lua (Silk Waterfall), Hang Cau (Cau Cave) and on the rocks in front of Chua Hang (Pagoda Cave).
(Source: VNN)