'Make in Vietnam' tool helps find ransomware

03:09, 11/09/2020

Decrypting and identifying ransomware and checking for malicious files are features of two new "Make in Vietnam" tools provided free of charge by the National Cyber Security Monitoring Center (NCSC).


Decrypting and identifying ransomware and checking for malicious files are features of two new "Make in Vietnam" tools provided free of charge by the National Cyber Security Monitoring Center (NCSC).

The tools, available at http://khonggianmang.vn, will help individuals, institutions and businesses ensure their safety in a cyber environment.

Recent research by Kaspersky found that the number of ransomware attacks in Vietnam has decreased, but is still at high level. Vietnam ranks eighth in the world in number of ransomware attacked computers. Cybersecurity experts have also repeatedly warned of the appearance of new types of ransomware recently.

NCSC experts said that malware and ransomware prevents users from accessing and using the data inside the servers, or computers in general. Attackers will require a ransom from victims in exchange for the right to access the data. However, in many cases, even if the victims pay money, they cannot get back the data.

In order to help users reduce risks from ransomware, NCSC has introduced a solution to recognize ransomware at https://khonggianmang.vn/ransomware. Users can find decryption tools through file extensions, or upload encrypted files for identification.

After finding the results, users should read the instructions for use before downloading and running the tools.

The tool for checking malicious files provided by NCSC allows users to check the safety of suspicious files they receive through emails, social networks or other peripheral devices such as USB.

The tool helps analyze office files that are often exploited to carry out attacks such as files with extensions .docx, .xlsx, .pdf, .rar, .zip (10Mb at maximum).

Users can upload suspicious unknown files, or find in NCSC’s database the hash tag codes of the files. After that, the system will analyze the files and give the results on whether the files have malicious codes.

NCSC experts said that all the uploaded files will be encrypted after the analyses and erased after a certain time, which ensures users’ privacy.

Prior to that, in mid-April, NCSC launched khonggianmang.vn, a website that provides technical solutions to help organizations ensure information safety when working from a distance.

At that time, on khonggianmang.vn, NCSC provided free four tools to support information security: checking botnets, phishing websites, personal account information leaks, and email spoofing attacks.

The center also has documents with basic requirements on technical features and requirements on configuration setting, giving basic instructions for organizations and individuals working from a distance. Based on these requirements, organizations can create plans to ensure safe operations.

According to Kaspersky, the number of ransomware attacks on small and medium businesses’ computers in Southeast Asia decreased from 1.4 million in H1 2019 to 0.5 million in H1 2020.

(Source: VNN)