Fairy garden featuring multiflora roses in Hanoi

06:06, 30/06/2020

Mid-June is considered the most suitable time of the year to see the multiflora roses bloom in a botanical park in Thanh Tri district of Hanoi, as the site gears up to welcome tourists who often visit and pose for photographs.



Mid-June is considered the most suitable time of the year to see the multiflora roses bloom in a botanical park in Thanh Tri district of Hanoi, as the site gears up to welcome tourists who often visit and pose for photographs.

The multiflora roses cover a 200-metre road located in the botanical park of Tam Hiep commune in Thanh Tri district of Hanoi. It takes approximately 30 minutes to travel to the park from the centre of the capital.
The multiflora roses cover a 200-metre road located in the botanical park of Tam Hiep commune in Thanh Tri district of Hanoi. It takes approximately 30 minutes to travel to the park from the centre of the capital.


The park opens to the public from 7am to 6pm every day, with an entrance ticket costing VND40,000 per person. As many as 100 multiflora rose trees aged between 10 and 15 can be spotted on the 200-metre road, serving to create romantic scenery.
The park opens to the public from 7am to 6pm every day, with an entrance ticket costing VND40,000 per person. As many as 100 multiflora rose trees aged between 10 and 15 can be spotted on the 200-metre road, serving to create romantic scenery.


The number of tourists visiting the area tends to increase sharply when the flowers enter full bloom, with the park receiving hundreds of visitors each weekend.
The number of tourists visiting the area tends to increase sharply when the flowers enter full bloom, with the park receiving hundreds of visitors each weekend.


The harsh sunlight of June makes the roses appear even bright than ever.
The harsh sunlight of June makes the roses appear even bright than ever.



From high above, the multiflora roses look just like a vast pink carpet.
From high above, the multiflora roses look just like a vast pink carpet.


June is also the right time for lotus blossoming
June is also the right time for lotus blossoming


The botanical garden spans an area of five hectares and is home to thousands of flowers, trees, and a lotus pond, all of which contributes to leaving a fresh and peaceful atmosphere for visitors to enjoy.
The botanical garden spans an area of five hectares and is home to thousands of flowers, trees, and a lotus pond, all of which contributes to leaving a fresh and peaceful atmosphere for visitors to enjoy.

(Source: VOV)