Red flamboyant flowers in full bloom

06:05, 28/05/2020

With spring gradually turning into summer, the sight of beautiful flowers like Hoa Phuong Do (Red flamboyant) can be seen in full bloom throughout Hanoi, creating romantic scenery that is ideal for local residents and guests to the capital to enjoy.



With spring gradually turning into summer, the sight of beautiful flowers like Hoa Phuong Do (Red flamboyant) can be seen in full bloom throughout Hanoi, creating romantic scenery that is ideal for local residents and guests to the capital to enjoy.



The vibrant red colour on display throughout the capital caused by the flamboyant flowers proves to be a popular sight among visitors.
The vibrant red colour on display throughout the capital caused by the flamboyant flowers proves to be a popular sight among visitors.


The fierce red of the red flamboyant flowers combines perfectly with the purple tones of the Bang Lang (giant crape myrtles) to give the capital a fresh vibe each summer.
The fierce red of the red flamboyant flowers combines perfectly with the purple tones of the Bang Lang (giant crape myrtles) to give the capital a fresh vibe each summer.


Each May sees the entirety of Hanoi covered by the colourful flowers.
Each May sees the entirety of Hanoi covered by the colourful flowers.



The added colour brought about by the picturesque flowers transforms the capital into a more charming place during the blossoming season.
The added colour brought about by the picturesque flowers transforms the capital into a more charming place during the blossoming season.

(Source: VOV)