Stunning red silk cotton trees spotted around old pagoda

09:03, 18/03/2020

Situated on the outskirts of Hanoi, Thay pagoda is usually blessed with picturesque scenery throughout March due to the sight of a red vibrant colour coming from the blossoming silk cotton trees.



Situated on the outskirts of Hanoi, Thay pagoda is usually blessed with picturesque scenery throughout March due to the sight of a red vibrant colour coming from the blossoming silk cotton trees.

As March approaches, red silk cotton trees, scientifically known as bombax ceiba, are in full blossom, leaving a lasting impression on local residents and passers-by.
As March approaches, red silk cotton trees, scientifically known as bombax ceiba, are in full blossom, leaving a lasting impression on local residents and passers-by.


An old red silk cotton tree stands at approximately 30 metres tall.
An old red silk cotton tree stands at approximately 30 metres tall.


Once the leaves fall to the ground, only the flower blossoms remain on the branches.
Once the leaves fall to the ground, only the flower blossoms remain on the branches.





 (Source: VOV)