Hanoi streets adorned with Ban flowers in full bloom

10:03, 22/03/2020

With Ban blossoms coming into full bloom around mid-March, the streets of Hanoi are starting to become coloured by the delicate pink flowers which are reminiscent of orchids.




With Ban blossoms coming into full bloom around mid-March, the streets of Hanoi are starting to become coloured by the delicate pink flowers which are reminiscent of orchids.

Ban flowers, also known as Bauhinia variegate, originally come from the country’s north-western region.
Ban flowers, also known as Bauhinia variegate, originally come from the country’s north-western region.


The sight of the flowers serves to beautify the capital’s streets due to its soft pink and purple colours.
The sight of the flowers serves to beautify the capital’s streets due to its soft pink and purple colours.


Each flower contains four or five petals, with each one featuring bright pink veins.
Each flower contains four or five petals, with each one featuring bright pink veins.


The sight of the flowers around the capital indicates that a new spring season is upon us.
The sight of the flowers around the capital indicates that a new spring season is upon us.





 (Source: VNN)