Blossoming Hoa Sua flowers beautifies spring in Hanoi

10:03, 01/03/2020

With spring descending on Hanoi the famous local flower Hoa Sua, also known as the Dalbergia bouruana gagu flower, can be seen blossoming throughout the capital and serving to bring a pleasant sight for local people.


With spring descending on Hanoi the famous local flower Hoa Sua, also known as the Dalbergia bouruana gagu flower, can be seen blossoming throughout the capital and serving to bring a pleasant sight for local people.

Hoa Sua can be seen bursting into bloom with white blossoms across Hanoi, creating a peaceful and fresh atmosphere on many of the capital’s main streets such as Dien Bien Phu, Phan Dinh Phung, and Giang Vo.
Hoa Sua can be seen bursting into bloom with white blossoms across Hanoi, creating a peaceful and fresh atmosphere on many of the capital’s main streets such as Dien Bien Phu, Phan Dinh Phung, and Giang Vo.


The capital city can be seen adorned with white blossoms which typically last for approximately 20 days between late February and early March.
The capital city can be seen adorned with white blossoms which typically last for approximately 20 days between late February and early March.



The peaceful sight of the flowers blooming on the banks of Giang Vo lake
The peaceful sight of the flowers blooming on the banks of Giang Vo lake


Many streets throughout the capital can be seen covered in a thin blanket of ancient Hoa Sua trees which are a familiar sight to local resident and attractive to visitors.
Many streets throughout the capital can be seen covered in a thin blanket of ancient Hoa Sua trees which are a familiar sight to local resident and attractive to visitors.


 (Source: VOV)