Peach blossoms in Nhat Tan Flower Village

09:01, 27/01/2020

Nhat Tan peach tree village in Tay Ho district has widely been considered one of the most picturesque areas in Hanoi for several of the past years, now with the Lunar New Year approaching the village is filled with a fresh floral atmosphere.


Nhat Tan peach tree village in Tay Ho district has widely been considered one of the most picturesque areas in Hanoi for several of the past years, now with the Lunar New Year approaching the village is filled with a fresh floral atmosphere. Let’s take a tour around the village and explore its renowned beauty.

Gardens in the wards of Phu Thuong and Nhat Tan in Tay Ho district are full of vibrant colours and various flowers in the buildup to Tet.
Gardens in the wards of Phu Thuong and Nhat Tan in Tay Ho district are full of vibrant colours and various flowers in the buildup to Tet.


As we edge towards the start of the Lunar New Year, the village’s peach trees are beginning to enter full bloom. Looking from afar, visitors are able to spot the reddish pink shade of peach petal canopies that covers the garden despite the chilly weather conditions.
As we edge towards the start of the Lunar New Year, the village’s peach trees are beginning to enter full bloom. Looking from afar, visitors are able to spot the reddish pink shade of peach petal canopies that covers the garden despite the chilly weather conditions.


Peach blossoms steadily open their petals in preparation for pollination. For many Hanoians the peach blossom represents a peaceful and wealthy life.
Peach blossoms steadily open their petals in preparation for pollination. For many Hanoians the peach blossom represents a peaceful and wealthy life.


Many gardens throughout the village have discovered methods of making their peach trees bloom just in time for Tet. This therefore entices local people to purchase them ahead of the Lunar New Year as an offering to their ancestors.
Many gardens throughout the village have discovered methods of making their peach trees bloom just in time for Tet. This therefore entices local people to purchase them ahead of the Lunar New Year as an offering to their ancestors.


The process of planting peach trees and working to create beautiful shapes with them is time-consuming for farmers.
The process of planting peach trees and working to create beautiful shapes with them is time-consuming for farmers.


The sight of peach blossoms signals the arrival of spring.
The sight of peach blossoms signals the arrival of spring.

 (Source: VOV)