Images from local photographers in top 50 of AGORA Awards 2019

10:09, 17/09/2019


Four images by Vietnamese photographers have successfully beat off competition from 130,000 submissions from across the world to be named among the top 50 of the AGORA Awards 2019 where they will progress to the final round.


Four images by Vietnamese photographers have successfully beat off competition from 130,000 submissions from across the world to be named among the top 50 of the AGORA Awards 2019 where they will progress to the final round.

This striking image titled “Incense Work” was taken by Khanh Phan.
This striking image titled “Incense Work” was taken by Khanh Phan.


The photo “Hearts On The Sea” is captured by Nguyen Phan Xuan and depicts fisherman at work.
The photo “Hearts On The Sea” is captured by Nguyen Phan Xuan and depicts fisherman at work.


The piece titled “When The Buffalo Comes Back” is snapped by Phan Quoc Vinh in a river in Pleiku.
The piece titled “When The Buffalo Comes Back” is snapped by Phan Quoc Vinh in a river in Pleiku.


The image, named “Farming”, is taken by Diep Van.
The image, named “Farming”, is taken by Diep Van.


“Alone In The Desert” is captured by Carles Alonso of Spain.
“Alone In The Desert” is captured by Carles Alonso of Spain.

 (Source: VOV)