Local photographer bags Top 50 spot in Agora Images' Love2019 contest

03:08, 16/08/2019

A photograph titled "Forever in Love" which was taken by Ngo Van Diep of Vietnam has been named among the top 50 best photos which will progress to the final round of the #Love2019 contest launched by Agora Images.

A photograph titled “Forever in Love” which was taken by Ngo Van Diep of Vietnam has been named among the top 50 best photos which will progress to the final round of the #Love2019 contest launched by Agora Images.

  The Top 50 was chosen from 15,093 artworks which were entered by photographers from around the world as announced by The Sun newspaper on August 14. The image titled “Forever in Love” by Ngo Van Diep of Vietnam has been listed among the best 50 photos. It depicts colourful green foliage in Vietnam which aptly sums up the universal feeling of love.
The Top 50 was chosen from 15,093 artworks which were entered by photographers from around the world as announced by The Sun newspaper on August 14. The image titled “Forever in Love” by Ngo Van Diep of Vietnam has been listed among the best 50 photos. It depicts colourful green foliage in Vietnam which aptly sums up the universal feeling of love.


  Compassion, friendship, family, love, and loss all feature among the photos which depict the universal feeling of "love", the topic of the #Love2019 photo contest. This photo was among the Top 50 and is known as 'Magical moments'. It was snapped among fish in the clear seas of Menorca, Spain.
Compassion, friendship, family, love, and loss all feature among the photos which depict the universal feeling of "love", the topic of the #Love2019 photo contest. This photo was among the Top 50 and is known as 'Magical moments'. It was snapped among fish in the clear seas of Menorca, Spain.


  Following are some of the outstanding photos that made the Top 50. This image taken in Greece shows a wonderful aerial shot known as 'Love is in the water', the photographer shows waves in the shape of a heart.
Following are some of the outstanding photos that made the Top 50. This image taken in Greece shows a wonderful aerial shot known as 'Love is in the water', the photographer shows waves in the shape of a heart.


  Portugal provided the setting for this inspiring picture, which shows a couple holding hands as they stand on rocks over the sea.
Portugal provided the setting for this inspiring picture, which shows a couple holding hands as they stand on rocks over the sea.


  One minute later, they could well be fighting, but this photo titled Brotherhood in Indonesia captures a loving moment between two siblings.
One minute later, they could well be fighting, but this photo titled Brotherhood in Indonesia captures a loving moment between two siblings.


  The winner of the #Love2019 photo contest is to be announced on September 12. The winner of the first prize will be given US$1,000.
The winner of the #Love2019 photo contest is to be announced on September 12. The winner of the first prize will be given US$1,000.

 (Source: VOV)