Top 50 at AGORA Images

04:07, 08/07/2019

Four pieces by Vietnamese photographers have been named among the top 50 best photos which will enter the final round of the 'Work' category of the ongoing AGORA Images photo contest. Let's take a moment to admire some of the competition's amazing photos:

Four pieces by Vietnamese photographers have been named among the top 50 best photos which will enter the final round of the ‘Work’ category of the ongoing AGORA Images photo contest. Let’s take a moment to admire some of the competition’s amazing photos:

  Photo by Diep Van of Vietnam.
Photo by Diep Van of Vietnam.


  Photo by Nguyen Son of Vietnam.
Photo by Nguyen Son of Vietnam.


  Photo by Dung Pham of Vietnam.
Photo by Dung Pham of Vietnam.


  Photo by Kokosat of Myanmar.
Photo by Kokosat of Myanmar.


  Photo by Azimronnie of Bangladesh.
Photo by Azimronnie of Bangladesh.


  Photo by Myothet of Myanmar.
Photo by Myothet of Myanmar.


  Photo by Yudybento of Indonesia.
Photo by Yudybento of Indonesia.

(Source: VOV)