Peculiar varieties of lotus flowers in Vietnam

04:07, 01/07/2019

Lotus flowers can be found everywhere in Vietnam, but Hanoi is where you can find the majority of the variants.

Lotus flowers can be found everywhere in Vietnam, but Hanoi is where you can find the majority of the variants.

  The life of thousand-petal lotus is short, about three weeks. The external petal layer looks like the usual pink lotus but there are a number of oval-shaped petal layers inside.
The life of thousand-petal lotus is short, about three weeks. The external petal layer looks like the usual pink lotus but there are a number of oval-shaped petal layers inside.


  The Royal lotus in the muddy water at Hung Phuc pagoda, Hanoi is a precious flower which is normally seen in pink or white. The most radiant time of blooming just lasts for three days when many bees are attracted to get nectar and pollen.
The Royal lotus in the muddy water at Hung Phuc pagoda, Hanoi is a precious flower which is normally seen in pink or white. The most radiant time of blooming just lasts for three days when many bees are attracted to get nectar and pollen.


  The blooming time for lotus ranges from April to July depending on areas. This is a white apple lotus, which is described as a vigorous and fruitful species, in Dien Ban town, Quang Nam province. The color of this lotus may change in accordance with the temperature and soil substance.
The blooming time for lotus ranges from April to July depending on areas. This is a white apple lotus, which is described as a vigorous and fruitful species, in Dien Ban town, Quang Nam province. The color of this lotus may change in accordance with the temperature and soil substance.


  Beautiful Drop Blood lotus rise in a muddy pond in Dien Ban town.
Beautiful Drop Blood lotus rise in a muddy pond in Dien Ban town.



The white lotus with thick petals and the charming scent is widely spotted at some ponds in Westlake, Hanoi. Besides, micro lotus with tiny blossoms is also preferred. Photo by Ngoc Thanh/Vnexpress
The white lotus with thick petals and the charming scent is widely spotted at some ponds in Westlake, Hanoi. Besides, micro lotus with tiny blossoms is also preferred.

 (Source: VOV)