The stunning coral features of Hon Yen island

04:05, 06/05/2019

Aside from being home to popular tourist attractions such as Da Dia reef and Bai Xep beach, Hon Yen island in the south-central coastal province of Phu Yen has attracted large numbers of visitors thanks to its beautiful coral reefs on land and crystal-clear blue water.

Aside from being home to popular tourist attractions such as Da Dia reef and Bai Xep beach, Hon Yen island in the south-central coastal province of Phu Yen has attracted large numbers of visitors thanks to its beautiful coral reefs on land and crystal-clear blue water.

  Located 30km from Tuy Hoa city, Hon Yen island is well-known as a favourite check-in destination among young travellers
Located 30km from Tuy Hoa city, Hon Yen island is well-known as a favourite check-in destination among young travellers


  When the tides recede on the island, visitors are able to savour the scenic views of coral reefs on the land
When the tides recede on the island, visitors are able to savour the scenic views of coral reefs on the land


  According to local residents, the tide only recedes in the afternoon of the first few days of the month or during the middle of the lunar month and lasts only for a few days. If visitors miss this then they have to wait another 15 days to have the chance of glimpsing the coral reefs again
According to local residents, the tide only recedes in the afternoon of the first few days of the month or during the middle of the lunar month and lasts only for a few days. If visitors miss this then they have to wait another 15 days to have the chance of glimpsing the coral reefs again


  A local resident recounts how Hon Yen got its name. They mention that in the old days the island had a lot of bird nests
A local resident recounts how Hon Yen got its name. They mention that in the old days the island had a lot of bird nests


  Camping is a common activity for visitors on the island. Many choose to go camping overnight in order to savour the scenic views of the sunset. Tourists are advised to travel in groups as the camping spot is far away from residential areas.
Camping is a common activity for visitors on the island. Many choose to go camping overnight in order to savour the scenic views of the sunset. Tourists are advised to travel in groups as the camping spot is far away from residential areas.



  Hon Yen landscape cluster in An Hoa commune, Tuy An district, was recognised as a national relic site in April 2018
Hon Yen landscape cluster in An Hoa commune, Tuy An district, was recognised as a national relic site in April 2018

(Source: VOV)