Hue city enjoys summer flowers in full bloom

07:05, 28/05/2019

As the spring slowly turns to summer the sight of flowers such as the red shining of the Hoa Phuong Do and the yellow of the Muong Hoang Yen can be seen in full bloom, creating romantic scenery throughout the ancient imperial city of Hue.



As the spring slowly turns to summer the sight of flowers such as the red shining of the Hoa Phuong Do and the yellow of the Muong Hoang Yen can be seen in full bloom, creating romantic scenery throughout the ancient imperial city of Hue.

Each May the entirety of Hue city can be seen covered in colourful flowers.
Each May the entirety of Hue city can be seen covered in colourful flowers.


The shining red of the Hoa Phuong Do, the purple tones of the Bang Lang, and a sea of yellow due to the blossoming of the Muong Hoang Yen give the imperial city a new vibe each summer.
The shining red of the Hoa Phuong Do, the purple tones of the Bang Lang, and a sea of yellow due to the blossoming of the Muong Hoang Yen give the imperial city a new vibe each summer.


Giant crape myrtles, known locally as Bang Lang, can be seen growing throughout Hue city.
Giant crape myrtles, known locally as Bang Lang, can be seen growing throughout Hue city.


An impressive image of the Hoa Phuong Do, also known as the red flamboyant flower, growing alongside Truong Tien bridge.
An impressive image of the Hoa Phuong Do, also known as the red flamboyant flower, growing alongside Truong Tien bridge.







 (Source: VOV)