Stunning Chinese parasol trees bloom in Hue Imperial Citadel

10:04, 05/04/2019

Visitors to the Hue ancient imperial city during the second and third month of the lunar year are being treated with scenic views of Chinese parasol trees entering full bloom.

Visitors to the Hue ancient imperial city during the second and third month of the lunar year are being treated with scenic views of Chinese parasol trees entering full bloom.

  Chinese parasol trees, scientifically known as Firmiana simplex, are seen at the entrance of the Imperial Citadel
Chinese parasol trees, scientifically known as Firmiana simplex, are seen at the entrance of the Imperial Citadel



  The sight of the trees in full bloom enthralls visitors.
The sight of the trees in full bloom enthralls visitors.


  A view of the blooming trees from inside the Hue Imperial Citadel
A view of the blooming trees from inside the Hue Imperial Citadel



  Visitors to the site can capture scenic views of Chinese parasol trees from Thai Hoa Palace
Visitors to the site can capture scenic views of Chinese parasol trees from Thai Hoa Palace


  In the entire country, Hue Imperial Citadel is the only place where visitors can enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Chinese parasol trees. The sight of them is especially picturesque as they enter full bloom
In the entire country, Hue Imperial Citadel is the only place where visitors can enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Chinese parasol trees. The sight of them is especially picturesque as they enter full bloom

 (Source: VOV)