Yen Bai enjoys vibrant red Ban flowers in full bloom across province

09:12, 05/12/2018

During the early winter months, large numbers of tourists are flocking to see the vibrant red Ban flowers in the north-western province of Yen Bai which are currently in full bloom.

During the early winter months, large numbers of tourists are flocking to see the vibrant red Ban flowers in the north-western province of Yen Bai which are currently in full bloom.

  The best time to enjoy the sight of the Ban flowers is during early winter.
The best time to enjoy the sight of the Ban flowers is during early winter.


The Ban flower has five petals and a yellow stamen.
The Ban flower has five petals and a yellow stamen.






  Unlike white Ban flowers, red Ban flowers do not shed their leaves.
Unlike white Ban flowers, red Ban flowers do not shed their leaves.


  These flowers are fully blossoming by the end of autumn and during the early winter.
These flowers are fully blossoming by the end of autumn and during the early winter.


The Ban flower has five petals and a yellow stamen.
The Ban flower has five petals and a yellow stamen.

(Source: VOV)