Chu Dang Ya volcano looks impressive even in extinction

10:11, 11/11/2018

The Da Quy (Wild Sunflower) Festival is underway on November 10, and will take place on Chu Dang Ya, an extinct volcano. Here are some stunning photos of the location.


The Da Quy (Wild Sunflower) Festival is underway on November 10, and will take place on Chu Dang Ya, an extinct volcano. Here are some stunning photos of the location.

The extinct Chu Dang Ya volcano as seen from the distance.
The extinct Chu Dang Ya volcano as seen from the distance.


In the language of the J’rai ethnic minority group, Chu Dang Ya means wild ginger.
In the language of the J’rai ethnic minority group, Chu Dang Ya means wild ginger.


Located 30 kilometers away from Pleiku city, Chu Dang Ya is located in Ploi Iagri village, Chu Dang Ya commune, Chu Pah district
Located 30 kilometers away from Pleiku city, Chu Dang Ya is located in Ploi Iagri village, Chu Dang Ya commune, Chu Pah district


Notably, the fertile land here brings is home to a number of plants.
Notably, the fertile land here brings is home to a number of plants.


The plants continue to grow and are ever-green, even without watering.
The plants continue to grow and are ever-green, even without watering.


The extinct Chu Dang Ya volcano has been dubbed “the Heaven of Wild Sunflower”.
The extinct Chu Dang Ya volcano has been dubbed “the Heaven of Wild Sunflower”.


November is the season for wild sunflowers.
November is the season for wild sunflowers.



November is the season for wild sunflowers.


Climbing the volcano and admiring the beautiful Da Quy is a truly interesting experience.
Climbing the volcano and admiring the beautiful Da Quy is a truly interesting experience.

 (Source: VOV)