Beautiful wild sunflowers in Ba Vi National Park

03:11, 09/11/2018

Ba Vi National Park has attracted a large number of visitors these days to the vibrant yellow colour of wild sunflowers on hillsides.

Ba Vi National Park has attracted a large number of visitors these days to the vibrant yellow colour of wild sunflowers on hillsides.

    Wild sunflowers are in full bloom at roadside.
Wild sunflowers are in full bloom at roadside.




  Wild sunflowers are in blossom on hillsides.
Wild sunflowers are in blossom on hillsides.


  The flowers are also grown in primeval forests.
The flowers are also grown in primeval forests.


    Spectacular view of the natural landscape from the peak of the wild sunflower hill.
Spectacular view of the natural landscape from the peak of the wild sunflower hill.



 (Source: VOV)