Stunning water lilies in Yen stream lure visitors during the autumn months

10:10, 18/10/2018

In autumn, Yen stream in the Perfume Pagoda complex in My Duc district, Hanoi, is often packed with a large number of visitors out enjoying the stunning beauty of the purple water lilies in full bloom.

In autumn, Yen stream in the Perfume Pagoda complex in My Duc district, Hanoi, is often packed with a large number of visitors out enjoying the stunning beauty of the purple water lilies in full bloom.

  Huong Son Complex and Perfume pagoda are considered the best places locally to discover beautiful caves.
Huong Son Complex and Perfume pagoda are considered the best places locally to discover beautiful caves.


  From mid-September, visitors are able to see water lilies begin to bud on the water surface and, by October, are in full bloom.
From mid-September, visitors are able to see water lilies begin to bud on the water surface and, by October, are in full bloom.


  In autumn, the Yen stream is vibrant with water lilies blossoming with dynamic purple colours.
In autumn, the Yen stream is vibrant with water lilies blossoming with dynamic purple colours.


  Come the early morning, the water lilies are in full bloom.
Come the early morning, the water lilies are in full bloom.


  Visitors to Yen Stream are advised to arrive early in the morning to enjoy the stunning water lilies at their finest.
Visitors to Yen Stream are advised to arrive early in the morning to enjoy the stunning water lilies at their finest.




  As the sun rises higher, the petals of the water lilies begin to close
As the sun rises higher, the petals of the water lilies begin to close

(Source: VOV)