Drastic changes of Dien Bien Phu battlefield after 64 years

03:05, 10/05/2018

Over the past 64 years have seen the Dien Bien Phu battlefield in the northeastern province of Dien Bien make significant changes after the resounding Dien Bien Phu victory (1954-2018),

Over the past 64 years have seen the Dien Bien Phu battlefield in the northeastern province of Dien Bien make significant changes after the resounding Dien Bien Phu victory (1954-2018).

  Muong Pon relic site in Muong Pon commune, Dien Bien district witnessed fierce battles with French troops.
Muong Pon relic site in Muong Pon commune, Dien Bien district witnessed fierce battles with French troops.


Him Lam Hill
Him Lam Hill


  Him Lam is seen as a gateway for trade exchange between Dien Bien Phu city and other northern provinces.
Him Lam is seen as a gateway for trade exchange between Dien Bien Phu city and other northern provinces.


   Improved transport system brings a facelift to Muong Pon commune.
Improved transport system brings a facelift to Muong Pon commune.


  Doc Lap Hill
Doc Lap Hill


  Doc Lap Martyrs’ Cemetery near Doc Lap Hill relic site
Doc Lap Martyrs’ Cemetery near Doc Lap Hill relic site


  Dien Bien Phu Victory Museum holds an important position in the complex of Dien Bien Phu battlefield.
Dien Bien Phu Victory Museum holds an important position in the complex of Dien Bien Phu battlefield.


  The museum is designed like a truncated cone shape with different models insides, and it preserves 1,000 documents, objects and images of Vietnam’s resistance war against French colonialists.
The museum is designed like a truncated cone shape with different models insides, and it preserves 1,000 documents, objects and images of Vietnam’s resistance war against French colonialists.


  Hill A1 relic site attracts a large number of visitors on the special day marking the great victory.
Hill A1 relic site attracts a large number of visitors on the special day marking the great victory.


  Hong Cum historical relic site.
Hong Cum historical relic site.


    …and Muong Thanh paddy fields
…and Muong Thanh paddy fields

(Source: VOV)