Imposing Ma Pi Leng Pass in northernmost mountain region

10:01, 10/01/2018

Winding roads, terraced rice fields and Nho Que river look like picturesque seen from the peak of the Ma Pi Leng Pass in the northernmost mountain region, where travellers have enjoyable experience.

Winding roads, terraced rice fields and Nho Que river look like picturesque seen from the peak of the Ma Pi Leng Pass in the northernmost mountain region, where travellers have enjoyable experience.

 Ma Pi Leng Pass connects Ha Giang city to the towns of Dong Van and Meo Vac in the northern province of Ha Giang.
Ma Pi Leng Pass connects Ha Giang city to the towns of Dong Van and Meo Vac in the northern province of Ha Giang.


   Villages are surrounded by splendour terraced fields from the peak of Ma Pi Leng Pass.
Villages are surrounded by splendour terraced fields from the peak of Ma Pi Leng Pass.


    Peak of Ma Pi Leng pass is also called ‘Heaven’s Gate’.
Peak of Ma Pi Leng pass is also called ‘Heaven’s Gate’.



  Nho Que River.
Nho Que River.



(Source: VOV)