Tourists flock to Ha Giang during buckwheat season

03:12, 04/12/2017

November and December is a great time for tourists to visit Ha Giang because they'll see the rocky plateau covered with flowering buckwheat.

November and December is a great time for tourists to visit Ha Giang because they’ll see the rocky plateau covered with flowering buckwheat.

  300 km north of Hanoi, Ha Giang is a popular tourist destination.
300 km north of Hanoi, Ha Giang is a popular tourist destination.


  Driving up the winding mountain roads to Ha Giang is both a challenge and a joy.

Driving up the winding mountain roads to Ha Giang is both a challenge and a joy.


  Buckwheat are beautiful white flowers tinged with pink.

Buckwheat are beautiful white flowers tinged with pink.


  At the end of those adventurous roads are heaven-on-earth buckwheat flowers.
At the end of those adventurous roads are heaven-on-earth buckwheat flowers.



  Buckwheat fields are a signature feature of Ha Giang. The flowers can be found in many places, including Lung Cu Flag Tower and Dong Van rock Plateau.
Buckwheat fields are a signature feature of Ha Giang. The flowers can be found in many places, including Lung Cu Flag Tower and Dong Van rock Plateau.



  Ha Giang, the land of buckwheat flowers, is also famous for its Lung Cu Flag Plateau and Ma Pi Leng Pass.
Ha Giang, the land of buckwheat flowers, is also famous for its Lung Cu Flag Plateau and Ma Pi Leng Pass.

 (Source: VOV)