Magnificent scenery of Truong Sa

03:06, 16/06/2015

Photographer Hoang Chi Hung captured beautiful photos of the sea, nature and locals after four times of touring Truong Sa.

Photographer Hoang Chi Hung captured beautiful photos of the sea, nature and locals after four times of touring Truong Sa.

Hung said each island on Truong Sa has its own special beauty. Infrastructural facilities, architectural projects, schools, medical centres, residential areas, natural landscapes and diversified animals and plants of the marine eco-system are vividly reflected through his lens.

Hung also spent time waiting for hours to take the special moments like dolphins swimming, sea birds flying over the sky and fishes surfing on the surface of the water.

Let’s see breathtaking beauty of Truong Sa:

Truong Sa archipelago, Magnificent scenery, marine eco-system

Sinh Ton Island

Truong Sa archipelago, Magnificent scenery, marine eco-system

Tien Tu Island

Truong Sa archipelago, Magnificent scenery, marine eco-system

Song Tu Tay Island

Truong Sa archipelago, Magnificent scenery, marine eco-system

Phong ba (Heliotropium foertherianum) flower

Truong Sa archipelago, Magnificent scenery, marine eco-system

Truong Sa archipelago, Magnificent scenery, marine eco-system

Song Tu Tay Island

  Truong Sa archipelago, Magnificent scenery, marine eco-system

(Source: VOV)