The largest pagoda in Southeast Asia seen from above

10:03, 07/03/2014

Bai Dinh Pagoda in Ninh Binh Province is a complex of 20 architectural works on the campus of 700 hectares, which holds many records.

Bai Dinh Pagoda in Ninh Binh Province is a complex of 20 architectural works on the campus of 700 hectares, which holds many records.

bai dinh temple, records

The construction started in 2004. In mid-2008, the first stage completed and the overall completion is expected in 2015. Bai Dinh is the largest temple in Vietnam and also in Southeast Asia.

 bai dinh temple, records

This temple owns a lot of Vietnam records. In 2010, Bai Dinh Pagoda hosted the great celebration of the Buddha remains, which was brought from India to Vietnam.

 bai dinh temple, records

This bronze Maitreya statue weighs 80 tons and it is the largest of its kind in Vietnam.

 bai dinh temple, records

Outside the Phap Chu temple are 500 bodhi trees, native from India.

bai dinh temple, records

The temple roof is divided into three floors, with three curved roofs like phoenix tails, as the traditional Vietnamese architecture.

 bai dinh temple, records

bai dinh temple, records

One of the unique features of Bai Dinh is the Arhat corridor with a total length of 1.8 km, running from the gate to the Phap Chu temple. The 500 Arhat statues made of rock, sourced from Thanh Hoa Province, by talented artisans of Ninh Van village (Ninh Binh).

 bai dinh temple, records

The vast car park, next to the new campus.

 bai dinh temple, records

The 13-story Buddha tower is under construction. This is considered the highest Buddha tower in Southeast Asia, where keeps Buddha remains.

 bai dinh temple, records

It takes 45 minutes to walk from the main gate to the Maitreya statue. From hear visitors can use the tram services.


