Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

04:03, 28/03/2014

The American Journal - Martha Stewart Living - a famous magazine dedicated to American women, has published a series of pictures of Vietnamese cuisine.

The American Journal - Martha Stewart Living - a famous magazine dedicated to American women, has published a series of pictures of Vietnamese cuisine.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Soup with consomme pouredfrom a caremic pot.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Salad with minced pork, shrimp and grapefruit.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Salad with chicken.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Salad with vermicelli and grilled pork.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

A table with many Vietnamese dishes.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Vietnamese bread.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Martha StewartLiving introduces many different kinds of bread.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

The difference is in the stuffing with a variety of materials.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Beef steak and asparagus salad.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

A cup of coffee in Vietnam style.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Vietnamese cuisines are impressive because each dish goes with different sauce.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Vietnam has many kinds of spring rolls.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Beef vermicelli.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Beef noodle.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Shaved ice, litchi syrup mixed with ginger juice, served with sesame cakes.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Grilled shrimp with herbs, added with crushed peanuts and a little of lemon juice.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Grilled pork.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Fried vermicelli served with saute shrimp and mint leaves.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Grilled pork served with watermelon and cucumber salad.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Rice noodle with salad for hot summer days.

Pictures of Vietnam cuisines on American magazine

Crispy spring roll.

(Source: VNN)