Green Energy Lightens Up the Spratly Islands

11:02, 26/02/2014

Years ago, when mentioning Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands people used to think of its scorching sun and harsh winds. But now those unfavorable weather conditions have changed into a green energy resource, which has contributed greatly to beautifying the islands with a sparkling outlook.

Years ago, when mentioning Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands people used to think of its scorching sun and harsh winds. But now those unfavorable weather conditions have changed into a green energy resource, which has contributed greatly to beautifying the islands with a sparkling outlook.

          The wind and solar power systems have been installed on 33 out of 750 islands of the Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago. The HPSS was built on nine floating islands, 24 submerged islands and 15 oil - rig protection posts at the military zones.
Visiting Truong Sa Lon Island nowadays, visitors would be surprised at the shining electrical light all over the island at night. Since the power system has been operated from renewable solar and wind energy, electricity has been accessed to every household and even to each small lane on the island.

Formerly the only source of power came from a generator, hence the use of electricity was limited, said Major Dinh Trong Tham, Deputy Chief of Truong Sa Lon Island military force and in charge of logistics services for the island.

Electricity from the generator is just enough for lighting the lamps for about three hours and a half, from 6pm to 9.30 pm – just sufficient for the residents’ and soldiers’ minimum daily activities on the islands, said the Major.

In 2008, the system of renewable energy was installed, along with the setting up of the power network run by the solar and wind resource in Truong Sa Lon Island. In 2010, green energy was accessed to the whole island.

According to the designed capacity, power from solar resource accounts for 40 percent, while the remaining 60 percent comes from wind resources. There are 21 wind-operated fans and more than 500 huge solar panels installed around the islands. Green energy has truly brought a better life to the islands’ residents and soldiers.

According to the designed capacity, the system of 21 wind turbines provides 
60 percent of the energy on Truong Sa Lon Island. 

Green energy contributes to operating the telecommunications network on Truong Sa Lon Island. 

There is a system of wind turbines and solar panells to provide energy 
for lighting and operating devices inside the lighthouse on Truong Sa Lon Island. 
Electricity generated from the solar panels system serves the daily lives of the islanders. 

Maintaining the lighting system. 

Cleaning and maintaining the solar panels. 

Truong Sa Lon Pagoda is lit up using a network of green energy. 

A stable energy resource plays an important role in healthcare for the people and soldiers on the island.

          The project has installed more than 5,700 solar panels, 120 wind-powered turbines, more than 4,000 batteries, and nearly 1,000 LED light sets using solar power to lighten houses, roads, dams, etc. in Truong Sa Archipelago.

Currently, green power has accessed around-the-clock to target sites, including the islands’ headquarters and the radar information complex. But in the first six months of the year when the wind is set stably, green power can be provided fully to every household.

The wind and solar power resources on the Truong Sa Island District are integrated into the High Performance Storage System (HPSS). Data on solar radiation revealed that the average solar and wind resources on the islands are huge. With the HPSS operation, green power supplied for daily use can reach 6.2 MWh per day. Meanwhile, total power demand on the islands is expected to reach about 3 MWh per day.
Using the HPSS will help save more than 2,100 litres of diesel a day (or 774,000 litres per year). Meanwhile, the CO2 emission has been reduced to nearly 2,300 tons annually. The installation of green energy on the islands not only ensures enough power to the islanders, but also contributes to protecting the environment. This is really a boundless green energy resource of Truong Sa.

Witnessing the existence of green energy on the Truong Sa Lon Island with our own eyes, we could feel the great changes in the life of the islanders. When two kids, Hong Huong and Phuong Anh, both nine years old, invited us to their house and switched on a disc machine for an animated cartoon, we were so surprised. The households on the islands have refrigerators to store food, television sets to catch up with news and computers to search for information and read online newspapers. All this made us have a feeling that there was not any difference between life here on the island and others on the mainland.

Le Minh Phong, head of the medical station on Truong Sa Lon Island said, the stable power source is very helpful for the medical staff to take care of the islanders’ physical health. In 2013, the station was equipped with more facilities, including an X-ray machine and blood test machine, which would ensure health care work to be done for the better life of the islanders.

Along with investment in the green energy system, the mobile phone and wireless phone systems by the Viettel military telecom company have been made, which would shorten the distance between the mainland and the islanders.

The most significant outcome that green energy has brought to the islanders is that it helps them settle their lives and work well, while the soldiers can further consolidate and enhance their fighting capability, Major Tham confided.
