Since October 2, 2017, foreign employees working in Viet Nam shall be able to apply for work permits via electronic portal.
Since October 2, 2017, foreign employees working in Viet Nam shall be able to apply for work permits via electronic portal.
Question: What are procedures for issuing work permits online as stipulated in Circular 23/2017/TT-BLDTBXH (Circular 23) guiding the issuance of work permits to foreign employees working in Viet Nam via an electronic portal?
Similar to the procedures for applying for approval of employee use demand, Circular 23 provides detailed guidance on the procedures for applying for a work permit via the electronic portal, as follows:
- At least 7 working days in advance of the intended date of commencing work, employers must declare information in the declaration form and submit the application file for a work permit to the licensing agency via the electronic portal.
- Within 5 working of receiving the appropriate declaration form and application file, the licensing agency will send employers the results by email.
- After receiving satisfactory confirmation of the application file for a work permit, employers will submit directly or through the postal service originals of the application file for a work permit to the licensing agency for checks, comparison and maintenance as regulated.
- Within no more than 8 working hours of receiving the original application for a work permit, the licensing agency must return employers the result. Employers can receive the results directly or through the postal service to their registered address.
The circular also noted that where the originals of the application file for a work permit do not match the declaration form and an application file for the same sent via electronic portal, the licensing agency will reply in writing, by email, or directly to employers./.