Decree No. 20/2006/ND-CP: on commercial assessment services.

03:03, 27/03/2006

Subject to this Decree, which was issued by the Government on February 20, are traders providing commercial assessment services that are set up under Vietnamese law

Subject to this Decree, which was issued by the Government on February 20, are traders providing commercial assessment services that are set up under Vietnamese law.


According to this Decree, commercial assessment services shall be provided under agreement of all parties or at the request of one of the parties to contracts related to goods or services to be assessed.


The Decree allows foreign traders that set up enterprises providing commercial assessment services under Vietnam’s investment law and in accordance with commitments in treaties to which Vietnam is a signatory party to carry out assessment and grant assessment certificates according to business lines stated in their business registration certificates or papers of equal validity.


It also contains specific provisions on signatures and seals in assessment certificates; contracts on assessment authorization, rights and obligations of authorized persons; assessment at the request of state agencies.


This Decree replaces Government Decree No. 20/1999/ND-CP on the provision of goods assessment services.

(Source: Vietnam Law)